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A funny thing about dirt

I enjoy gardening.  Digging around in the dirt doesn't bother me at all.  As long as I have gloves on.  The dirt is okay, it's the bugs that make my skin crawl.  But today was the day to start deep cleaning the kitchen.  I swear the kitchen has got to be the dirtiest room in a house, and you never know how filthy it is until it's completely empty.

The pantry was disgusting. The walls and shelves had lots of dirt, but also some dark brown drippy stuff that looked like watered down molassas.  I was armed with industrial cleaning gloves, 409, plastic goggles and one of those white face masks that covers your mouth and nose (no kidding!), but I still felt like I needed a HAZMAT suit.  For some reason that I don't quite understand, dirt in a kitchen seems much dirtier than dirt in the back  yard.  Glad that job is done!