I've made two trips out to the cherry tree, with a big plastic bowl and a step ladder in hand. I picked two big bowls full and have washed and packed the cherries in sugar for freezing. I packed into 12 freezer bags enough cherries to top a cheesecake. So every month for the next year, I will treat myself to a cherry cheesecake, compliments of that ugly tree in my back yard.
While I was elbow deep in cherries, I started thinking about how many of God's children I have overlooked or underestimated in my life because they didn't look like they were bearing fruit. I wonder how many people have looked at me and written me off the way I wrote off that ugly tree. I thank God for that cherry tree and the fruit I brought me. I thank God that I didn't have the resources at the time to follow my first instinct, which was to chop it down. What a blessing I would have missed if I'd done that. People, like trees, should not be judged by their outward appearance. They should be judged by the fruit they bear.
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