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Getting dirty

Yesterday my neighbor removed two huge hollies bushes that had been living in my front yard flowerbeds since before I was born, I'm sure.  The were so large that they covered the bottom half of my front windows and the trunks were as thick as fairly mature trees.  The moment they were gone, I felt an incredible lightness, and I knew what I had to do.  I went straight to Home Depot and bought 9 shrubs to fill the flowerbeds.  I got a gardenia, a rhododenron, a soft holly, a Chinese fringe flower and a few others that I don't know the name of.  My only criteria were that they have interesting foliage, in different shades of green (some of pink/purple tinges and two have a bit of yellow in them), that they do something interesting in the winter, and that they don't grow too big.  I also got some really beautiful showy "grass"-type plants which I planted in front.  Eventually I'll line the beds with periwinkle that I'm working on transplanting from another part of the yard.

I spent about 5 hours working in the yard yesterday.  The first time I've ever done anything like that.  When I finally came inside I realized I was filthy.  I don't think I've ever been that dirty in my life.  I was afraid I'd be sore, and I was a little, but for the most part, I felt great!  I thank God for my home.